In recruitment process, our goal is to find appropriate people who are suitable for our company’s vision and company’s goals.

Our candidates are evaluated with some criteria like “forming future, racing to conclusion, developing cooperation and learning continuously which are behavioral competencies. In addition, their technical competencies for these positions are taken into consideration.

In recruitment process where we implement some technics like preliminary interview (telephone interview), competency oriented interview, personality inventory, English test and some case studies according to the characteristics of position,  the last step is control of reference. We negotiate job request and we complete our recruitment process with candidates who complete the process affirmatively.

Our goal with orientation is provide to make our new employees understand the organization as soon as possible, and ensure them to be productive employees as soon as possible. The content of our orientation program includes company tour, general information about company and management, company policies, common rules and department familiarization done with department managers and responsibles in certain periods.

As Dikkan Inc., we believe that investment made on human is the most important one. Our goal with training is to ensure individual improvement and institutional development, and increase the level of improvement and make them contribute to both themselves and their company.

Career planning is one of the most effective methods used for filling new positions, increasing production activity, increasing the quality and keeping the current condition. As Dikkan Inc., Our goal with career planning is to harmonize needs, skills and goals of our employees with our company’s current and future opportunities and preventions.

As Dikkan Inc., The most important factor based on our success is the existence of highly motived employees. For that reason, in that way to success our aim with motivation is to make our employees love their job, and to increase their improvement providing them a peaceful and decent work atmosphere.

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