Production has started with cast-iron and industrial valve manufacturing in İzmir-Yenişehir.
Manufacturing capacity has been developed with new machining plants.
Export activities have begun with Greece.
Marine valve manufucturing has begun for the shipbuilding sector.
The product range has beeen extended with waterworks valves manufacturing.
The export rate reached to %50.
İZ-METAL has joined the goup companies.
An integrated facility of 90.000 m2 has been implemended in Kemalpaşa.
Menufacturing range has been expanded by operationalizing of Dikkan Brass Rolling plant.
Işıksan Ship Recycling facilities has joined the goup companies.
Anadolu Ship Recycling facilities has joined the goup companies.
Production of low-voltage energy cables has been begun by Dikkan Cable factory.
Operational excellece was achieved with re-organized Group Company structure.
Dikkan R&D Center
has been established.
40th year
in quality